Aprender inglés Getafe  05 dic 2015


Hi Most of us want to improve our fluency In english conversación because our profesional needs or just because we enjoy doing it. I am looking for people near to Getafe with this need. I am thinking on something informal and as funny as posible: meet to have a beer or a cofee. May be to met at lunch time so that we do not impact our busy agendas... For orientaton, I have a medium adevanced level, but opened to chat with anyone.

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Ignacio Buenas tardes Arturo... yo tengo 42 años y por motivos laborales y personales me gustaría también practicar ingles y mejorarlo. Tengo nivel medio y si ya tienes grupo o contactos, me gustaría formar parte de el si puede ser.....Muchas gracias
Karmenxita Hi!! I -ve been looking for this activity and I just found it today on this web.. Although I-m spanish, I would like to continue talking in english, because It was a language that I learned in england and I don-t want to lose it... Looking forward to meet new friends and spend time each other whatever is your plan guys!! 😉👍
ARTURO Thanks to Mariano for such interesting chats. For me is a pleasure to continúe meeting this way. I encourage people to contact me for english conversation In Getafe.
Miguel Ángel I-ve just read this message... Well, we have a group to speak in English in Getafe. We meet some Saturdays; today, for instance. Here-s the link. Feel free to join. Good level of English and really nice people. See you? Ciao!! https://www.amigosmadrid.es/actividad/let-s-speak-english/16205
Paky Hola,acabo de encontrar este grupo,y realmente me interesa mucho,por cuestiones de trabajo tengo a aprender si o si,no sé si al tener un nivel bajísimo(estoy aprendiendo por mi cuenta)podría apuntarme a vuestras quedadas,me encantaría aunque sólo fuera ir a escucharos,Un saludo
Academia de inglés en Getafe CUM Academia de ingles en Getafe Podéis venir a porbar una semana gratis nuestro método en Getafe: existen clases de conversación de todos los niveles. www.centro-cum.es